Dear WHA members,
You have less than one month before the deadline for the following submissions.
『世界俳句2024 第20号』は、多言語俳句アンソロジー以外、下記の投稿を募集します。
“World Haiku 2024 No.20” will include the multi-language haiku as well as the following submissions.
テーマ: 忍耐と希望
Theme: Patience and Hope
1 俳句10句(既発表可、第一言語に、日本語、英語、フランス語のいずれかの翻訳を付けてください)
2 エッセイ(未発表のみ、日本語、1000字ぐらい、英語、フランス語では1500単語ぐらい)
- 10 haiku(Published haiku poems are OK, too. Each haiku should be written in your first language with either of Japanese, English, and French translation)
- Essay (Unpublished. About 1000 words in case of Japanese. About 1500 words in case of English or French)
Each member can submit one work for each of the three catagories.
締め切り: 2023年12月15日
Deadline: Dec. 15, 2022
1と2 審査:夏石番矢
Submit to:
For category 1 and 2
Ban’ya Natsuishi
World Haiku Association
Ban’ya Natsuishi